Eat Breakfast in Hogwarts’ Grand Hall
Photos: Warner Brothers Studio Tour and Martin Pettitt/FlickrAccioHarry Potter fans, our Hogwarts letters have finally come. Hop on your Nimbus 2000 or get your floo power ready to experience Warner Bros. Studio Tour London’s two themed morning meals, owl post not included.
Muggles will be able to visit Hogwarts’ Great Hall on August 21 and 28 and feast on treats like Pixie Puffs and Cherri Owls. The diners will also indulge in mini brioches with oak-smoked bacon, homemade tomato chutney, sausage and brown sauce muffins, mini Emmental and ham croissants, berries and Geek yogurt, hash browns with sun blushed tomato concassé and fruit kebabs drizzled with maple syrup.
“Staff members dressed in full Hogwarts’ uniforms will join you in the Great Hall for a
complimentary souvenir photograph at the breakfast table,” says Warner Bros. Studio’s
Your experience won’t begin and end in the Great Hall. “Then you will be invited to walk among the authentic sets and discover the behind the scenes secrets at the studios where it all began, ahead of the first tour of the day,” Warner Bros. states.
Visitors will also be able to explore the legendary platform 9¾ that houses the original Hogwarts Express locomotive, the Weasley kitchen at the Burrow, Dumbloredore’s office and the glorious Gryffindor common room.
“Following a complimentary tankard of Butterbeer in the Backlot Café, you will be able to step inside Harry Potter’s childhood home, number four Privet Drive, before wandering up the wizarding shopping street of Diagon Alley,” Warner Bros. adds. “The visit concludes in our lobby where a complimentary souvenir guidebook can be collected.”
Tickets to for Hogwarts’ breakfast and a tour of Harry Potter’s wizarding world went on sale July 6 and are valued at $124 for adults and $98 for children.
Lauren Spiler is a freelance journalist based in Athens, Georgia, but most call her Spiler.