12 Intrepid Instagram Accounts for Travel Inspiration
The worst part about traveling is, well—not traveling. It’s those weeks, months, or maybe (gasp) even years when you’re back home tending to responsibilities or preparing for your next jaunt. Until your bags are packed and you’re on the road once again, follow these 12 intrepid Instagram accounts for vicarious vacationing and inspiration for where to go next.
1. Adam Senatori (@adamsenatori)
Adam Senatori (@adamsenatori) is a photographer and a pilot, which makes for a winning combination that plays itself out on Instagram. He shares a mix of aerial and on-the-ground shots from his home state of Wisconsin and beyond.
2. Alex Strohl and Maurice Li (@stayandwander)
Stay & Wande?r?? (@stayandwander?) is the Instagram leg of the creative agency by the same name and created by the globetrotting and hugely talented Alex Strohl (@alexstrohl) and ?Maurice Li (@maurice). When they’re not masterminding creative campaigns for clients like Travel Alberta, Land Rover and Canon, the two are traveling and sharing photographs on their personal accounts and curating inspirational photographs from travelers around the world via #stayandwader. Photos will take you from the Tetons to the Taj Mahal and just about everywhere in between.
3. Andrew Evans (@wheresandrew)
Washington, D.C.-based Andrew Evans (@wheresandrew) turns his iPhone toward wherever in the world he may be and shares intimate digital vignettes from home and abroad. He’s equal parts writer and traveler, as well as National Geographic’s digital nomad.
4. Chris Burkard (@chrisburkard)
Chris Burkard (@chrisburkard) has broken the million follower mark and it only takes a quick scroll through his posts to see why. The California-based photographer’s photos are nothing short of enchanting. He calls the ocean his main muse and each of his images convey a sense of adventure and appreciation for nature.
5. Cole Rise (@colerise)
Follower photographer and pilot Cole Rise (@colerise) for dreamy photos of people, animals and landscapes around the world. A self-described escape artist, his Instagram feed regularly updates with proof of this.
6. Emilie Ristevski (@helloemilie)
Follow Emilie Ristevski (@helloemilie) for pastel-hued scenes and perfectly-composed photos from around the world. The Australian-based visual story-teller, stylist and photographer aways travels with camera in hand and her 370 thousand followers are lucky for it.
7. Matt Long (@landlopers)
Matt Long (@landlopers) is the man behind the popular travel blog LandLopers. When he’s not sharing stories about his travels on his popular travel site, Matt is sharing photos from around the world with his 21 thousand Instagram followers. He’s based out of Washington, D.C., but you’ll find him just about everywhere else. Most recently he was sharing photos from the Netherlands, South Africa, Las Vegas and Scotland.
8. Murad Osmann (@muradosmann)
As far as Instagram fame goes, Murad Osmann (@muradosmann) is a celebrity. The Russian photographer has been snapping photos of his now-wife Nataly Osmann leading him around the world. He currently has 3.4 million fans who follow them on their travels.
9. Passion Passport (@passionpassport)
Passion Passport (@passionpassport) lets you travel vicariously through not one, but an entire community of globetrotting photographers. Every curated photo shared entices wanderlust as it takes you to locales both near and far like Yemen and Bahrain or Chicago and San Francisco.
10. Trey Ratcliff (@treyratcliff)
A self-described “warm-hearted, old-school gentleman explorer with really cool toys,” Trey Ratcliff (@treyratcliff) shares photos that will have you itching to quit your day job for a life of nonstop travel. His powerful images take you to places like the Nevada desert during Burning Man, Antarctica, Morocco and Dubai all through the lens of this talented photographer and traveler. For even more inspiration, he shares tips and tutorials behind his travel images on his blog Stuck in Customs.
11. The Blonde Abroad (@theblondeabroad)
Kiersten (@theblondeabroad) left her life in corporate finance to become a full-time traveler who blogs about her experiences and offers inspiration geared toward solo female travelers. Follow her Instagram for proof that you can travel luxuriously on a budget. Her photos are vibrant and exude a carefree vibe you can’t help but want to emulate.
12. The PlanetD(@theplanetd)
Dave and Deb (@theplanetD) are perpetual travelers who believe adventure is for everyone. They’re the married couple behind the wildly popular travel site The PlanetD and they’re out to prove that travel, in all forms and at all distances, is possible for anyone. Their Instagram has more than 98 thousand followers and over 1,200 colorful photos chronicling their adventures.
Top photo: Matt Long (@LandLopers)
Paste Travel’s Bucket List columnist Lauren Kilberg is a Chicago-based freelance writer. Her travels have found her camping near the Pakistani border of India and conquering volcanoes in the Philippines.