You Can Now Climb a Mountain From Home

You Can Now Climb a Mountain From Home

Ever feel the urge to climb a mountain, but didn’t want to get up off the couch? Yeah, us too. Luckily for us lazy folk, Google’s latest Street View upgrades let you do just that.

Now, you can go from zip lining through the Amazon to scaling El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, California in a matter of minutes.

In January, Google teamed up with world-famous climbers Lynn Hill, Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell to capture the 3,000-foot climb up El Capitan through photographs, which are now live online. The updates allow you to take in 360-degree views as well as travel up the mountain along with the crew.

“These 360-degree panoramic images are the closest thing I’ve ever witnessed to actually being thousands of feet up a vertical rock face—better than any video or photo,” Caldwell said in a blog post for Google.

This mountain view is only available for El Capitan, but according to Google spokeswoman Susan Cadrecha, the company is continuing to expand the limits for Street View in the future.

Elizabeth Ann Gerber is a writer for Paste Travel and a student at the University of Georgia with an unhealthy coffee addiction.

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