Watch Atlanta Star Lakeith Stanfield Stage-Crash Critics’ Choice Awards to Give Silicon Valley‘s Acceptance Speech
Image via A&E/YouTube
At last night’s Critics’ Choice Awards, Silicon Valley won for Best Comedy Series, but before executive producer Tom Lassally could get to the microphone, Atlanta star Lakeith Stanfield jumped on stage to accept the prize for him. With a straight face, Stanfield said, “I want to thank everybody for honoring us in this way. We worked very hard on Silicon Valley and here we are. Thank you,” and then walked off the stage.
Lassally didn’t seem upset by the interruption, saying, “No idea who that was,” and saying of Stanfield’s speech, “Unfortunately, [executive producer] Alec Berg was sick tonight, so he and I are both last-minute substitutions for this.” Afterwards, Stanfield tweeted “Not crazy,” and then congratulated Atlanta creator and star Donald Glover on his win for Best Actor in a Comedy Series: “Many congrats to Donald Duck.”
Though he hasn’t explained his stage-crashing, Stanfield’s speech and tweets could be read as a statement about the Critics’ Choice Awards snubbing Atlanta, a show with a predominantly black cast and crew, for the predominantly white Silicon Valley.
Watch Stanfield’s acceptance speech above and see his tweets below.
Not crazy
— Lakeith Stanfield (@stanfield_keith) December 12, 2016
Many congrats to Donald Duck
— Lakeith Stanfield (@stanfield_keith) December 12, 2016