Netflix Announces Big Mouth Season 3 Is on its Way

Season 2 of Netflix’s crass, Nick Kroll-conceived animated series Big Mouth has barely had time to cool, and Netflix has already announced that season 3 is on its way—a good sign for fans of the series, of which we count for several. The series about middle school children, hormone monsters, the awkwardness of puberty and sexual discovery has discovered a truly unique (and oddly frank) tone in terms of discussing topics that most programs treat with aversion or shame.
Along with the season 3 announcement we got the small trailer below, although it honestly doesn’t contain anything noticeable in the way of new footage. Nor does it have an exact date for season 3—just a promise that it’s “coming soon.” We can only assume that Kroll, John Mulaney, and all the others who make Big Mouth tick are pulling all nighters to get another season completed as fast as they can, while the show continues to enjoy a moment of particular pop cultural relevance.
Season 2 of Big Mouth marked an emotional growth from the first, as characters such as Andrew, Missy, Nick and Jessie all came further in their own personal developments, albeit at their own pace—Nick is still trailing behind the others in terms of puberty progress, but the closing moments of season 2 provided some hope that perhaps it’s just about time he caught up.
More than anything, though, season 2 stood out for just how earnest it could be in depicting potentially devastating life events, whether it’s a bout of major depression or veiled references to childhood trauma. In particular, the story of Andrew’s mother and how she met his father—told entirely without dialog—is a crusher, but somehow still oddly endearing and tender. For a show that spends about 90 percent of its time dealing with dick jokes, Big Mouth is also capable of great sentimentality.
We’ll keep you informed about season 3 as more information arrives.