Black Sails Star Toby Schmitz Joins Our Video Review of Episode Two
(Episode 4.02)

At Paste, we review TV episodes all the time. But when a cast member joins in on the conversation, it produces solid gold. Thankfully, Toby Schmitz, who plays pirate Captain Jack Rackham on Starz’s Black Sails, knows all about gold. Schmitz sat down to talk about tonight’s episode, from the series’ fourth and final season. In the episode, Rackham does what he does best: convince others to do what he wants them to do without them even knowing it. (Schmitz’s character is also charming, and sports arguably the best sideburns of any pirate on the show.)
While the episode gave us something specific to talk about, we also discussed being a pirate in general, and asked important questions like, “Which would you rather have, a patch on your eye, a hook for a hand or a wooden stump for a leg?”
Now that Schmitz has retired from a life of pretend piracy, he has turned back to his first love, the stage. He is currently performing on Broadway in the Sydney Theatre Company’s touring production of “The Present,” an adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s first play, alongside stars Cate Blanchett and Richard Roxburgh. “The Present” is at the Barrymore Theater through March 19, 2017.
If you can’t make it to Broadway to see Schmitz live, you can still see him hit the high seas on Black Sails, which airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on Starz.
Keri is a professional chatterbox who loves watching TV & movies, reading about pop culture, and gawking at any craziness on the internet. You can follow Keri on Twitter.