The 5 Best Moments from Blindspot: “Heave Fiery Knot”
(Episode 2.02)

Blindspot is not the same show we saw last year. It truly has improved, and even though this episode contained the procedural tattoo mystery of the week, it exhibits the series’ overall growth. Blindspothas discovered its strengths and is relying on them to keep the audience’s attention and carry the story forward. There are still unanswered questions from last season, and now there are several new ones already presented in this season. But Blindspot has figured out which secrets are worth keeping and how to reveal questions from the past, while keeping the main focus on the newer questions at hand. It’s still not a perfect show, but the fact that it’s improving is a good sign that we can expect more growth throughout this, so far, very promising second season. Here are the five best moments from “Heave Fiery Knot.”
1. Patterson and Borden Have a Romantic Moment
Although there are still characters suffering from loss and heartbreak from last season, not everyone is feeling miserable. We got hints last season of Borden developing feelings for Patterson, and he finally acts on them. He hands Patterson a floppy disk copy of Oregon Trail, and fumbles through his words trying to ask her out on a date. (She says yes—hurray!) Patterson has been through a lot (what with her ex-boyfriend getting killed last season because of a tattoo mystery), and Borden is definitely a lot smarter than her ex was, so they already seem like such a great match. It’ll be great to see this relationship develop further down the road.
2. Nas Reveals Why Tom Carter Wanted Jane Dead
Throughout the first season, Tom Carter, the deputy director of the CIA, was obsessed with capturing and ultimately killing Jane, but we never knew why… until now. Nas reveals that Tom Carter ran Orion, which we learn earlier in this episode was a military group that conducted illegal secret operations… and Jane was a member. But after one operation that left everyone except Jane dead, Orion was shut down and buried. So Jane was a loose end as a living member of the team that could implicate Carter, even though she herself had no idea due to her memory wipe. It was satisfying to finally learn why Carter was so obsessed with Jane. The entire time he knew exactly who she was but never said anything. Perhaps if he had been up front with her, he wouldn’t have ended up dead.
3. Jane and Kurt Confront Each Other—Again
Jane and Kurt are still licking their wounds since the events of the first season finale. But Jane admits to Kurt that she misses being Taylor Shaw. She wishes she really had been her. At this point it’s clear to see why—that reality would have been much better than the fact that she’s related to the members of Sandstorm. Unfortunately, Kurt is having a hard time accepting Jane, he can’t stand to even be in the same room as her. He tells Jane he doesn’t hate her, he just doesn’t know who she is anymore. Jane responds with, “That makes two of us.”
4. Jane Stops a Stinger Missile
As Jane and the FBI team rush to stop the Juarez Cartel in the climax of the episode, a Cartel member launches a Stinger missile at a plane full of Mexican politicians they want dead. Jane manages to steer the missile away just in the nick of time before it’s about to hit the plane—and instead the missile is steered down into the water. Jane makes these moments look so easy, but then again she pretty much is the female Jason Bourne—always full of surprises and an expert at just about everything.
5. Kurt Finds Out He’s Gonna Be a Dad
Toward the end of the episode, after Kurt finally gets rid of the last remaining belongings of his murderous father, he gets a visit from his ex, Allison, the badass U.S. Marshal. She’s got some pretty shocking news—she’s three months pregnant with Kurt’s baby. Naturally, this is a lot for Kurt to take in. Not exactly an ideal situation for a pregnancy, but he handles the news rather well. Allison offers Kurt the chance to be involved in the baby’s life. What great timing—just as Kurt is trying to let go of his hatred toward his departed dad. Perhaps Kurt will step up and decide to be the father he wished he had, but chances are it’s all going to get even more complicated from here.