Things Get Even More Intense for the Rayburns in New Bloodline Season Three Trailer

Things Get Even More Intense for the Rayburns in New Bloodline Season Three Trailer

The new trailer for the third and final season of Bloodline has dropped, and it foretells a fitting continuation of the crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by the Rayburns thus far in the series.

Picking up where the prior season left off and driven by a soundtrack that wouldn’t feel out of place in a latter-day Western, i.e. a genre often featuring individuals who kill and double cross to fulfill moral codes that exist outside the law, the trailer shows the Rayburns in varying stages of distress and disarray. “We had some good times, didn’t we?” Sissy Spacek’s matriarch says at one point in voiceover, and it is this line that casts the longest shadow over the rest of the trailer’s proceedings: Tragedy hits hardest when you remember what you had before and realize how far you’ve fallen.

Murder, drugs, more murder—it’s all pretty standard fare as far as prestige TV dramas go, but Kyle Chandler and Ben Mendelsohn have sold the series effectively thus far, each garnering at minimum an Emmy nod for his performance. The third season, which will be premiering on Netflix on May 26, will be in the running for the next awards cycle, and the trailer suggests that forthcoming episodes will give characters many opportunities to ham it up for the cameras.

Check out the season three trailer above, and if you’re not yet caught up on Bloodline, you can stream the first two seasons on Netflix now.

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