Netflix’s Breaking Bad Movie to Screen in Theaters
Image via Netflix
The much-anticipated Breaking Bad movie El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie will not only be available on Netflix Oct. 11, but also in select theaters from Oct. 11-13, with tickets available soon. The movie will be screened in 68 cities before airing on AMC in early 2020, per THR.
The movie will focus on the exploits of Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) in the aftermath of the events of Breaking Bad. “In the wake of his dramatic escape from captivity,” the film’s synopsis reads, “Jesse must come to terms with his past in order to forge some kind of future.” According to THR, upwards of 10 characters from the series, including Skinny Pete (Charles Baker) and Badger (Matt L. Jones), will appear in the film.
Recently, the mysterious movie’s first teaser was released by Netflix, featuring Skinny Pete being questioned by the police. A second video soon followed, setting Jesse-centric footage from Breaking Bad to Chloe X Halle’s “Enchanted” to recap the character’s journey. THR reports that Netflix will share a proper trailer during the Emmys on Sept. 22.
El Camino is written and directed by Vince Gilligan, the creator of Breaking Bad. The movie is produced by Mark Johnson, Melissa Bernstein, Charles Newirth, Diane Mercer and Paul in association with Sony Pictures Television.
Check out Netflix’s teasers for the film below. You can find El Camino ticket info here.