Warner Bros. Television Eyes Series Based on Amy Chozick’s Hillary Clinton Campaign Memoir Chasing Hillary
Photo by Eugene Gologursky/Getty
Warner Bros. Television has acquired the rights to develop a series based on Amy Chozick’s bestselling memoir Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns and One Intact Glass Ceiling, per Deadline.
Chasing Hillary follows New York Times reporter Chozick’s decade-long journey chronicling Hillary Clinton during her two failed presidential runs for the paper, first with her loss to Democratic challenger Barack Obama in 2008 and of course, her shocking upset loss to Donald Trump in 2016.
Rather than try and dissect why she lost, though, Chasing Hillary focuses on Chozick’s attempts to get to know the real person inside Clinton, behind all of her political ambition, during her time on “The Hillary Beat” at the Times. The book also takes a personal approach to telling the story of Clinton’s loss, including details of Chozick’s intimate life while covering the two Clinton campaigns.
This isn’t the only series based on Clinton’s 2016 campaign in the works. Last year, TriStar optioned Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes’ Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, on the Clinton campaign’s missteps in 2016, to develop as a limited series.
Chasing Hillary became an instant bestseller when it was released by HarperCollins in April, but two years into a Trump presidency, it’s unclear whether there’s still any appetite for a regular television series re-ligitating Clinton’s mistakes and the outcome of the 2016 election. If the project moves forward, though, we’ll see whether the Trump era tell-alls that have proven such a boon to the book industry will move the needle on television.