So the Fear Factor Revival No One Wanted is Happening, and Ludacris is Hosting
Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty
Fear Factor is coming back with to MTV with a Generation Z twist and a new host. THR has reported that Ludacris, who is apparently a man with too much time on his hands, will be replacing Joe Rogan as the host to be the one thinking/saying, “Oh god, what is wrong with these people?”
But instead of doing the gross-out Fear Factor-esque feats of being covered in spiders, eating various animal parts, dangling from heights or simulating drowning, they’ll be taking on more Gen-Z fears of “couch surfing at 300 feet and waterlogging personal cell phones.” Yep, that’s real. Also, these new challenges will be based on urban legends, scary movies and, of course, online videos. Fine, we’re sure watching a bunch of idiot kids running away from Slender Man in the woods will be entertaining in it’s own right, but why is a waterlogged cell phone something we’re afraid of?
Fear Factor is returning to MTV on May 30. Oh, sorry … We would watch it, but man, we’re super busy that day. Darn.