Preview Next Week’s Sure-To-Be-Epic Episode of Game of Thrones
Images via HBO/YouTube
Last night’s “The Spoils of War” was Game of Thrones season seven’s most exhilarating installment yet, and suffice to say, after the way it ended, we’re anticipating next week in a big way—hence, our marked interest in the above preview of episode five.
A fiery (no pun intended) Daenerys Targaryen opens the clip with what has become her familiar refrain: “Bend the knee and join me, or refuse and die.” The way an apparently healthy Drogon looms over the surviving Lannisters, it’s looking likely that they—and all—will kneel.
The all-too-brief preview raises many questions, but none more haunting than this one: Now that the Mother of Dragons sees the full extent of the havoc her children can wreak, and the absolute power that she wields, will she crave more? And who will be able to stop her if does?
One thing is abundantly clear: As Ser Davos Seaworth growls, “Bad things are coming.”
Read our review of last night’s episode here. GoT airs Sundays at 9 p.m. EDT on HBO.