Here’s a Decidedly NSFW Supercut of Every Game of Thrones Death
Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO
Game of Thrones is an incredibly violent show, and if you don’t know that well already, you have no business watching this video. It’s basically one big, bloody spoiler. You’ve been warned.
The 21-minute supercut compiles all 150,966 deaths from the notoriously gory HBO series, from the five wildlings found dismembered in its opening sequence to Lyanna Stark’s death in a flashback at the end of season six. The video is a whirling carousel of stabbings, burnings and other such brutality, as well as a staggering symbol of just how deadly George R.R. Martin’s world can be. Remember way back in season one, when we thought Ned’s beheading was gut-wrenching? We were so young and innocent then.
Watch at your own risk above. Game of Thrones returns for an epic seventh season of ultraviolence on July 16.