Jon Snow Appears in First Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser

The first Game of Thrones season 6 teaser is centered around the supposedly dead Jon Snow, according to Moviefone.
After the attack on Jon Snow by The Night’s Watch at the end of season five, fans were left unsure about whether the curly-haired Game of Thrones favorite would be returning for the next season. However, the latest teaser and the many reports about Kit Harington’s character being spotted on set seem to confirm that Jon Snow may be around for a little while longer.
The short clip features the Three-Eyed Raven, voiced by Max Von Sydow, who declares, “The past is already written. The ink is already dry,” as images of Snow’s “death” play. However, the end of the teaser, which shows Snow’s half-brother Brian Stark, adds a little bit of narration by the young boy who says, “they have no idea what’s going to happen,” alluding to a feeling all too familiar to those who are fans of the HBO show.
Fans will have to wait until April of 2016 to see Snow’s fate, but in the meantime, the teaser can be viewed below.