New House of Cards Promos Prepare You for Season 2

New House of Cards Promos Prepare You for Season 2

House of Cards returns in two days, and you better be ready. Frank Underwood has no time to waste.

If you’re not, the fine folks from Netflix have released new promos for Season Two to help welcome you back. Watch below to get a glimpse of the nefarious schemes Frank and Claire have planned now that they occupy the office of the Vice President.

The second season of the Netflix original series promises serious drama as the Underwoods will have to withhold threats from all sides to keep his ultimate goal, whatever it may be, in sight. Zoe Barnes, the intrepid reporter who caught Frank’s eye last year, will creep closer to the truth about her former lover while the President’s billionaire bud, Raymond Tusk, will apply pressure previously unknown to the politician. As we know, there’s nothing Frank won’t do to get ahead.

Are you not excited?

If you still need convincing, here are the promised promos:

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