Kate McKinnon Cast as Ms. Frizzle in Netflix’s Magic School Bus Reboot
Image via Paramount Pictures
So apparently, since everything needs a reboot, Netflix has unveiled details for their forthcoming animated reboot of Magic School Bus, originally titled The Magic Schoolbus 360° when it was first announced in 2014, but now called The Magic School Bus Rides Again. Kate McKinnon, crowd favorite from Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters, has been cast as the voice of Ms. Frizzle, which is honestly kind of perfect. Let’s hope those dress designs get even more elaborate!
By changing the show’s title, the creators have naturally allowed for appearances from original cast members, like Stu Stone, who originally voiced Ralphie, and other celebrity cameos. McKinnon takes over the very popular voice work from Lily Tomlin for The Magic Schoolbus’ previous incarnation. With all of the other things that have been rebooted, this isn’t the worst idea. If nothing else, it’ll be a fun little distraction. But, let’s just hope that Netflix doesn’t ruin another nostalgic, childhood favorite. (Yeah, looking at you, Fuller House.)
If you’re feeling really nostalgic, though, you can find the original The Magic School Bus series on Netflix. The Magic School Bus Rides Again will be on there eventually.