Listen to Mark Hamill Reading a Trump Tweet in His Joker Voice

Listen to Mark Hamill Reading a Trump Tweet in His Joker Voice

Mark Hamill reads a deranged Trump tweet in his Joker voice, and we are terrified. But we also really want to hear more.

You probably recognize Hamill as Luke Skywalker in the mega-popular Star Wars series, but you may not know that Hamill has also made a successful career in his voiceover work as The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series. Hamill’s voice is unexpectedly perfect for the infamous Batman villain, and as it turns out, wonderfully applicable to a new kind villain—president-elect Donald Trump.

Hamill’s latest and best voiceover endeavor involves a certain deranged New Year’s Eve Trump tweet:

Already off-putting, listen below while Hamill as the Joker makes the tweet sound downright nefarious:

The drawn out “love” at the end has us in tears, though we’re not sure if we’re laughing or crying. Comedian Matt Oswalt originally gave the idea to Hamill, who, in response to Trump’s NYE message, tweeted:

Hamill loved the idea, tweeting, “Nobody writes better super-villain dialogue than #Trumputin!”

After listening to Hamill’s recording, we have to agree. We truly hope Hamill keeps the Jokerump (Trumpoker? Jokump?) going in the future, and we have a few suggestions. See below for a few Trump tweets we would pay money to hear Hamill read.

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