Master of None Gets Season Two Premiere Date in Charming New Promo
Images via Netflix/YouTube
In fall of 2015, Netflix enthusiasts were left at a hang-cliff in Aziz Ansari’s Master of None. Using a passage from Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar as a guide, Dev Shah (Aziz Ansari) chose to pursue pasta school in Italy, breaking quite a few of the ties that had been developed effectively in the show’s Emmy Award-winning and critically acclaimed first season. If a promo released today is any guide, viewers will be treated to plenty of Italy’s landscape in season two. The promo features Ansari and co-star Eric Wareheim scootering through a rural Italian landscape—watch below.
Does Master of None work when moved to Italy? How will an Italian cast fare in season two? These and more questions can only be answered on May 12, when season two comes to Netflix.