Watch the First Minute of Orange is the New Black Season Five

Watch the First Minute of Orange is the New Black Season Five

While the above clip doesn’t reveal much more about the events of the new season’s premiere, you can now technically say you’ve watched part Orange is the New Black’s fifth season, so that’s still something, right? And we’ve also got a batch of first-look photos from the new season—you’ll find those below.

Though the episode’s first 60 seconds don’t reveal where Daya’s bullet lands, we do now know that a shot is indeed fired. But perhaps it came from another guard’s gun? Or maybe she just shot the guy? Looks like we’ll have to wait until June to find out. For those who might be a bit fuzzy on the events leading up to and kicking off the show’s new season, here’s an official synopsis from Netflix:

A riot sparked by Poussey’s death quickly escalates when the inmates gain control of the prison. Once they get a taste of power, chaos erupts in the halls of Litchfield. The unprecedented season will take place in real time and over the course of just three days, leaving the inmates’ lives forever changed as they are emboldened to fight for redemption, resolution and the respect they deserve.

While you wait out the remaining two months until the June premiere, go ahead and check out the previous teaser for Orange is the New Black’s new season, and be sure to stay tuned to Paste for any more forthcoming previews. The new episodes of Jenji Kohan’s prison drama hit Netflix on June 9.



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