The Incredible Outlander Finale Gave Us Everything—Especially Hope
(Episode 2.13)

This season finale of Outlander was pitch perfect. It wrapped up all the loose ends, but still left us excited about Season Three, which is exactly what we want in a finale. It also left us hopeful—a new emotion for many of us, this season.
We start in the 1960s, where we meet Claire and her daughter Bree. No Frank. No Jamie. and she’s back in her modern time. The scene begins with a grown up Roger Wakefield, and Bree, Jamie and Claire’s daughter. Roger and Bree hit it off almost immediately, and they are the cutest couple. They’re like Jamie and Claire part two. Bree, quite literally.
While in Scotland for a funeral, Claire begins to reminisce about her life with Jamie, and remembers their last day on the battle of Culloden. We begin a back and forth, which was very well done. You actually feel like you’re a part of her mind.
One of the most shocking flashbacks is at the beginning of the episode, when she suggests they just kill Prince Charles Stuart. She tells Jamie to use the yellow jasmine she had given to Collum. Unfortunately Dougal is listening in and loses his mind. He decides he has to kill his nephew.
It’s not the first time we’ve seen him in a rage, but still, it’s awful to see Jamie and Dougal and at each other’s throats—and then Claire helps Jamie finish his Uncle. It’s awful
Especially for me, as I met actor Graham McTavish in real life, and he was lovely.
Rupert comes in and sees what Jamie has done and is so upset, but still promises to keep this murder a secret for two hours. In that time, he and Claire bid Fergus farewell and it’s like he’s left his perfect, wonderful son. He has the deed to Lallybroch that has been signed over to Jamie’s nephew.
Claire is back in modern times and drives over to Lallybroch, and visits the Culloden Moor memorial and sees her dragonfly in amber from Munroe.
At this point that’s all I can think about and then I’m hit with another surprise. Geillis Duncan is alive and well. She’s still crazy and goes by the name Gillian, but still. She’s there, and Bree thinks she’s great. Of course, that’s because Bree is in her 20s in the ‘60s, so not a lot of sense there.
Claire finds out she is alive and goes to her house to try to save her, but meets her husband instead and finds out that Geillis thinks she needs a human sacrifice to go through the stones.
Back in time, we finally find out what happened with Jamie and Claire. He made her keep her promise, and sends her back to Frank in his remaining two hours. She does not want to go, but he guilts her into it, by talking about their baby. She hadn’t even told him about it, but he had been counting.
Then he tells her how much he loves her, delivers our favorite line from the book, and sends her through the stones.
Back at the stones in modern times, Claire tries to stop Geillis from killing anyone, and thinks about stopping her from going back in time, but also worries about Roger. It’s too late. Geillis has burned her husband, and gone through the stones. But it’s enough for Bree to believe her mother.
At the stones Roger tells her that he found out that Jamie did not die at Culloden. And so we have hope.
Keri is a professional chatterbox who loves watching TV & movies, reading about pop culture, and gawking at any craziness on the internet. You can follow Keri on Twitter.