Outlander Tries to Confront American Slavery in the Tepid “Do No Harm”
(Episode 4.02)
Photo: Starz
If you were hoping the season’s second episode would give you more of that Jamie and Claire romance you’ve been missing, think again: Instead, Outlander offers up a history lesson about slavery in the Old South.
While one can be appreciate that the series spends an episode discussing our nation’s biggest collective sin—and chooses to address this part Diana Gabaldon’s novel, Drums of Autumn, rather than skip it entirely—it doesn’t feel like quite enough. When you choose to tackle something serious, sometimes it requires more than the usual approach.
Watch our full video review of “Do No Harm” here:
Keri is a professional chatterbox who loves watching TV & movies, reading about pop culture, and gawking at any craziness on the internet. You can follow Keri on Twitter.