It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: “The Anti-Social Network” (Episode 7.08)

It’s kind of surprising that the gang from It’s Always Sunny hasn’t really tackled the Internet before. Besides a horrible attempt at online dating and podcasting, the group from Paddy’s hasn’t had any dealings with the world of Facebook. It would seem like at least Dennis would have had some interest, especially since his woman interests are quickly getting into some dark territory. But with “The Anti-Social Network”, the gang not only tries to expand the popularity of Paddy’s but also find a guy who shushed them at a new bar.
After the gang goes to a gin bar and starts one of their classic shouting matches, a patron of the bar actually has the audacity to shush them. The next day, they decide to utilize Facebook to not only raise awareness about Paddy’s, but also to find the shusher. Dennis and Charlie use non-Internet means while Mac and Dee work solely through Internet information, even though Mac is against “that Rain Man Zuckerberg.”
Charlie and Dennis bring the most laughs, as they go to the police to get a professional sketch of what the shusher looked like and when the threat of a falsified police report shows up, they claim that they were raped, in one of the episodes’ greatest scenes. Dee and Mac go on a wild Facebook goose chase as one fake profile leads to a crazy Internet girlfriend mailing hair to another fake profile, which turns out to be a Catfish situation, from a woman named Catfish no less.
The two groups end up coming back to Paddy’s, both unsuccessful in finding the man they were searching for, while Frank has been off on his own filming a “virus” video (instead of viral) for the bar, making promises that they have only the fun celebrities showing up (cue pictures of the Jersey Shore cast, Dennis Rodman, O.J. Simpson’s mug shot), cake and donkey shows. The gang is happy with the video until Frank shows up at the end, as Dr. Mantis Toboggan, saying that you will catch a virus at the bar and that the video is a virus. It’s too late to fix the mistake as Frank has sent the video to all their Facebook friends. They believe it’s a failure, but when the shusher walks in with his friends, Dennis gets a crazy look in his eyes as he instructs the others to lock the doors, leaving it up the audience’s imagination what happens next.
“The Anti-Social Network” had plenty of great moments to make it a strong episode, dealing with the pros and cons of Facebook in a very It’s Always Sunny way. It’s a shame the Mac and Dee line doesn’t withstand the strength of the other plot line, but it holds it’s own and brings enough laughs. After last week’s great episode, it’s hard to stand up, but “The Anti-Social Network” has enough hilarious Charlie, Dennis and Dr. Mantis Toboggan moments to make it worthwhile.