Power: “Like We’re Any Other Couple”
(Episode 02.03)

Power’s Miami episode consists of everything you could possibly want; a beautiful landscape that is the complete opposite of New York in the winter. It’s as if being in any place where the sun shines bright means you can live the altered reality of your dreams. The two lovebirds, Ghost and Angela, can exist freely down the streets of little Havana. As viewers, we get to wear the rose-tinted glasses passed out by Power’s writers (who are also throwing out optimism like confetti), but it’s crucial to remember that the brightness of this episode illuminates the deeper cracks forming in Ghost’s foundation.
The truth is that the dreary New York City cloud still hangs over the lovers’ getaway. Ghost has the location of Pink Sneakers, preparing to take her out for good. Angela, on the other hand, is under the spell of Miami’s mirage; she’s especially happy since Ghost researches private schools for his kids. It’s enough to get her by and convinces Angela to pass by the white collar crimes division, to check for a possible transfer with an old friend. It sparkles and shines and she’s willing to lower her ambitions for love, but more truth slips out. Ghost is more than Stern’s errand boy, running interference with signed contracts—the purpose of this trip is to show the character his eventual position. Finally, Angela admits that she’s an Assistant US Attorney and that she plans to put Tommy away. Ghost takes it hard and reacts accordingly, but his love for Angela pushes this aside. What’s one more problem in the scheme of things?
Back in New York City, Kanan continues his Iago impersonation (this drama is very Shakespearian)—the dutiful soldier leaps at the chance to earn his son’s loyalty, while foaming at the mouth for some action by Tommy’s side. It’s all calculated and planned to a T—Kanan’s checker skills from prison are really helping out in the real world. While Shawn might be curious about his father’s actions, Tommy is fooled by the ruse, but Julio, Tommy’s right-hand, seems to realize not all is as it seems.
For someone who blames Ghost for losing sight of the big picture, Tommy is doing a great job of repeating the same offense. When the audience finally meets Kate, his mother, we realized that Holly could be a shoe-in for her. Red hair, a predilection for blow, personality disorders—you know, the usual date-the-person-who-resembles-your-mother kind of stuff. Angela even predicts that Tommy’s new girlfriend is a redhead. However, while Ghost would jump through any hoop to be more successful, Tommy would do just about the same to relive his glory days, with Kanan back in the father/big brother figure. He wants to connect his past and present to have a hunky dory time. It’s hard to break away from the ‘family’ and he’s blinded to their attempts at killing him from the inside.
The fairytale is cracking further for the real Mrs. St. Patrick, too. While the mistress receives the better deal of Ghost, Tasha wakes to a world of grays and dark blues. She is losing that hold she had on Shawn; you might have gasped in horror when the young man stated that he sees her as a big sister. Her insecurities run deeper when she sees her best friend, Keisha, flirting back. In one hell of a self-esteem dip, Tasha suffers through the feeling of losing her husband’s love and her boy-toy’s interest.
Shawn is beginning to move out from Ghost’s shadow. He’s amused by his father’s observations (“Bougie motherfucker”). Tariq, Ghost’s son, is beginning to feel the pangs of his father’s neglect, which is a familiar childhood feeling Shawn connects with. He fills in for Ghost by playing ball and helping Tariq with his science project as a ‘big brother,’ but we can feel this development going further, perhaps with Tasha. I’m sure that’ll be messy.
The assassination of Pink Sneakers is complete (Kanan interferes and gets his connect there before Ghost can) and I’m glad the writers found a way for the audience to connect, however briefly, with the killer. Mariela works for her grandfather and the two adore each other. It’s a reminder that while our favorite characters are certainly flawed, they’re human. This brings us back to New York, with Ghost and Angela feeling
reality closing in. While the two watch each other going back home in their cars, we can feel their dreams being deferred. They have a long way to go before they get a Miami ending.
Stray Observations:
Does Tasha realize there are such things as e-statements? That’s one way to get Keisha off her back regarding her personal account, which has Ghost’s drug money.
If we didn’t realize Kanan was a loose cannon before, well shooting Q-Dubs (after insulting the kid with ‘Yo Mama’ jokes) convinced us further.
Tommy as a mediator, actually, Tommy as anything, is always a highlight. I’m serious about creating a drinking game for every time we hear “canceling Christmas” or “Cancel Christmas on my/his/her/their ass/asses.” The audience will LOVE this.
Ghost making friends with another club owner, because the enemy of your enemy (Stern) is certainly your friend.
“What’s more important, nailing Lobos or following protocol?” (Angela)
“I guess boy wonder is not wrapped around your finger as tight as you thought.” (Keisha)
“What are you trying to say, Shawn? That you look at me like a mom?”
“More like a big sister now.” (Tasha and Shawn)
Iris A. Barreto is a writer for Fangirlish, freelance writer for Paste and social media intern for Pink is the New Blog. Heavily caffeinated. Forever lost in Westchester, NY & NYC; all GPS apps hate her. You can follow on Twitter.