Rick and Morty Season Four Teaser Is Full of Ominous Beeping Noises
Photo Courtesy of Adult Swim
Fresh from San Diego Comic Con, a new teaser for Rick and Morty Season Four has been revealed. The Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland series will return this November with ten new episodes—a mere fraction of the 70 episodes Adult Swim has ordered (the show has 31 episodes to date).
In speaking with EW recently, the duo behind the series reveled that fans will not have such a long wait between seasons moving forward. “We’re rolling right into the next batch,” Roiland said. “The plan has always been to get them out quicker.” Harmon added:
I think it’s safe to say without fear of being wrong that the gap between seasons 3 and 4 will be the longest and last time that it’s ever so long that it’s ridiculous. I don’t know how fast we can do it, but I know it will never be this long again. There were so many things that had to be settled before we even started season 4, and it’s really safe to say — as Justin says — we’re literally writing season 5 while finishing season 4 just to force ourselves to commit to a certain schedule. Not to get anyone’s hopes up, but it is structured into our deal that if we’re going strong and fast there are options to deliver more episodes at a time. Adult Swim can say, “These are on time and great. Do you want to do more instead of taking a break?” And we can then do more. I’d like to see that day. Just knowing it’s possible makes me eager for it. I feel like a naughty boy when I’m late.
The new teaser (which doubles as the first footage of Season Four) shows the understated brilliance of an ominous beeping app. I mean, how can you be mad at genius like that? “You think we’re stupid, but we’re not. We know apps have something to do with servers!” Morty cries out. You tell ‘em! Check it out below: