Emotion and Action: Watch the Trailer for Netflix’s Sense8 Finale

Emotion and Action: Watch the Trailer for Netflix’s Sense8 Finale

Turn on “What’s Up?” by 4 Non Blondes, because it’s time to celebrate the return of your favorite cluster. Sense8 is coming back to Netflix for its grand finale on June 8.

The sci-fi, empathy-driven series was cancelled a month after its second season was released last May. Following its cancellation in June, an outpouring of fan support convinced Netflix to give the fans a two-hour finale and maybe even some closure.

The finale trailer has just been released and shows the sensates on “One Last Mission.” Season two ended with Wolfgang in a precarious position, and as Will says in the trailer, “Wolfgang needs us.” All eight leads appear in the trailer, which sets up in equal parts action and emotion—the balance of which is one of the show’s strongest features. In the trailer, the exploding van and barrages of gunfire are balanced by a group dinner and a car ride sing-along.

Eight main characters may seem like a mind-boggling number to those unfamiliar with the show, but the connectivity of the eight ties them together more tightly than characters you would see anywhere else. A question that people are often plagued with, “Who am I?” is brought up at the beginning of the trailer. Yet, the trailer immediately follows with other less self-minded questions: “Do you mean who I love?” “Do you mean where I’m from?”—a narrative of intimate relationships, the show sets out to unpack these open-ended questions through the mentally linked sensates. As Nomi says, “I’m not just a ‘me,’ I’m also a ‘we.’”

If you’ve never seen the show, or just want a refresher for the finale, there are 23 episodes (including a Christmas special) to live—or relive—through on Netflix. Tell your cluster and watch the trailer below.

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