Single Drunk Female Cast on What to Expect in Season 2

Single Drunk Female Cast on What to Expect in Season 2

Paste’s own Lacy Baugher-Milas already gave Single Drunk Female Season 2 a glowing review, but we are here to add to the chorus of praise. The show focuses on a young woman, Sam (Sofia Black-D’Elia), coming to terms with her alcoholism and working through recovery. It’s funny, heartwarming, and one of the best portrayals of the struggles of addiction currently on TV. Season 2 will air weekly on Freeform, but all episodes are available now on Hulu.

During the premiere screening and red carpet event for the show’s new season, we were able to talk briefly with the Single Drunk Female Season 2 cast about what viewers can look forward to in the new episodes. Below, you can watch our video interview with Ally Sheedy, followed by a few comments from Sofia Black-D’Elia, Charlie Hall, Busy Philipps and more.


Paste: Will there be hope for the characters this season?

Sofia Black-D’Elia: I think there’s always hope. I think that the cheesy one liners that we see in recovery are true. Is relapse a part of recovery? Our creative team decides to tell that side of the story through James’s character instead of Sam’s. I think it’s very truthful to watch people’s experiences. So, I do think there is hope in it—and I think that Season 2 has a lot of hope in it.

Paste: What can we look forward to this season?

Charlie Hall: A lot of heart and a lot of laughs and Sophia being hilarious and literally everyone being hilarious. And then hopefully I don’t fuck it up.

Paste: Samantha’s story line seemed to end well, are her problems over?

Simone Finch: Oh, no. No, I think we still have places to go, things to see. Just because you get sober doesn’t mean all your problems disappear. And they just keep the problems, [but] the problems change. They get better in a way, but still they can do that.

Paste: You are a new character to the show, what do you love about playing her?

Busy Philipps: I love the character. I love that she doesn’t give any answers—and she sort of just keeps asking questions and is challenging in the best way. She wants [Sam] to figure it out. She wants Sam to do the work and figure it out herself.

Paste: What are you excited for people to see this season?

Sasha Compére: I think it’s important for people to understand the pressures that first-gen kids have. There are so many of us, and I resonate with that, so I love being able to play that.

Single Drunk Female Season 2  is now streaming on Hulu.

Keri Lumm is a professional chatterbox who loves watching TV & movies, reading about pop culture, and gawking at any craziness on the internet. You can follow Keri on Twitter.

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