Watch: An Appreciation of Star Trek: Picard
Photo Courtesy of CBS All Access
Star Trek: Picard is CBS All Access’ latest series set in the Star Trek universe (but that is, of course, obvious). It’s a continuation of the events from The Next Generation, but taking place 20 years after the events of the 2002 film Nemesis. It follows the new adventures of Admiral Jean-Lic Picard (Patrick Stewart), who is pulled into a mystery surrounding the last remaining sentient androids—ones who have a connection to his dearly departed friend Commander Data. But there is also a secondary story about Picard having parted ways with Starfleet after the destruction of the Romulan star system, and the lasting effects of both of those decisions.
So far, Star Trek: Picard has been part mystery, part “let’s assemble a motley crew of rogues and head into space!” Also, there’s the Borg!
Below, Paste TV Editor Allison Keene and Editor-in-Chief Josh Jackson discuss this engaging (see what I did there?) new series (you can also check out Liz Shannon Miller’s review of the season here):
Star Trek: Picard is currently available on CBS All Access.
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Allison Keene is the TV Editor of Paste Magazine. For more television talk, pop culture chat and general japery, you can follow her @keeneTV
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