Watch the Stranger Things Season Two Super Bowl Trailer and Lose Your Mind
Image via Netflix
If the results of Super Bowl LI disappointed you, take solace in this truth: season two of Stranger Things is going to be nuts. After the critical and cultural acclaim of the first season, we finally get a taste of what the future looks like for our favorite little town where not everything is as it seems.
While there is very little footage of Eleven, and even less description of the plot, the teaser does purport one very important thing: “The world is turning upside down.” It looks as if the Upside Down, the dimension that those scientists keep playing with, will merge with the real world, with some pretty terrifying results. And then we cut to the money shot, a giant tentacled creature illuminated by a horrible red flash. So yeah, we’re pretty excited about all that. Also, seeing Mike, Lucas and Dustin dressed up as Ghostbusters is pretty great.
There’s plenty to unpack here, and it’s definitely worth repeat viewings. Like, 100 viewings, even. But one of the most exciting things about that final shot is the potential for fleshing out the worlds we didn’t understand in season one. Will seems to be having visions, and then those visions are coming into fruition in the real world. Fingers crossed that the Duffer brothers will deliver on all this apparent potential.
Season two of Stranger Things comes to Netflix on Halloween, which is just too perfect.