Super Fun Night: “Go With Glorg” (Episode 1.05)

Somehow, Rebel Wilson’s show managed to get two extra scripts ordered from ABC. It must have to do with the ratings, because regardless of how bad Super Fun Night is, it does benefit from a lead-in megahit in Modern Family.
Watching this week’s episode was a struggle, mostly because of how predictable it was. It was written by Hannah Friedman, who published an article in Newsweek while she was still in high school; knowing that makes the episode all the more worse because you just know that she has some talent. Some talent, somewhere. Just not here.
“Go With Glorg” follows two of the most basic plots in comedic television history. Both are equally disappointing, but I guess we might as well start with Kimmie’s because she’s the star…if you can call any character a star in this show.
She gets called into work on a Sunday by Kendall, which makes her justifiably upset. While working with a group of lawyers who we’ve never seen, Kimmie decides to write Kendall a nasty letter calling her out for being a mean girl. Before Kimmie’s able to deliver it she joins the rest of the lawyers in making fun of their boss via an online video, which Kendall ends up seeing and getting hurt.
So this turns into the episode when they try to make us feel sympathy for a giant witch. Well, it didn’t work, and it turns out to be extremely uncomfortable. Kimmie ends up overhearing Kendall crying on the phone, and the two end up going out for drinks even though Kimmie still has the nasty letter in her pocket. The two end up hitting it off until Kimmie realizes that she lost the letter. And you’ve guessed what happens next: Kendall finds it and gets mad. However, she decides to look past it because she finally made a friend at work. See, she’s not really just a terrible person. Just a misunderstood pretty girl.
Give me a break.
The other plot revolves around Marika and Helen-Alice going to a Xena: Warrior Princess knock-off convention. It genuinely felt like a waste of a B-plot. It’s not that convention episodes don’t work—look at Community’s Spacetime convention—but this didn’t work because it wasn’t funny. It was, as I’ve noted, predictable. The Xena impersonator turns out to be a jerk to Marika, who in turns decides that she’s wasted her life and throws away all of her trinkets. Then Helen-Alice goes to make Xena feel bad and it works, but it’s too late. Marika decides she’s happier now and the episode ends on a faux-uplifting note.
There’s something about Super Fun Night that makes me want to watch and be tortured. I actually look forward to Wednesdays to see how far I can predict as early as possible and how many predictable jokes I can say moments before the lines are delivered. So, I guess the show is doing something right?