The 20 Best Quotes from The Handmaid’s Tale
Photos via Hulu
Under his eye, we’ve all been watching Hulu’s terrifying The Handmaid’s Tale.
As we prepare for the dystopian drama to return for its third season on June 5th, we take a look back on some of our favorite quotes from the residents of Gilead.
1. “Now, a tune to remind everyone who’s listening—American patriot or Gilead traitor—that we are still here. Stars and stripes forever, baby.” Oprah in a radio cameo in “Holly” (Episode 2.11).
2. “If you had done better research you would know I would never betray my country.” Serena Joy (Yvonne Strahovski) to Mark (Sam Jaeger) the man trying to convince her to leave Gilead.
“I thought you already did.” Mark’s response in “Smart Power” (Episode 2.09)
3. “We can try for a boy this time.” Fred (Joseph Fiennes) to June (Elisabeth Moss)
“Go fuck yourself, Fred.” June’s response in “The Word” (Episode 2.13)
4. “Our father, who art in heaven. Seriously? What the actual fuck?” June in “June” (Episode 2.1).
5. “Every love story’s a tragedy if you wait long enough.” Fred in “Faithful” (Episode 1.05).
6. “They should have never given us uniforms if they didn’t want us to be an army.” Offred in “Night” (Episode 1.10).
7. “She will obey His word,” Serena Joy
“She cannot read His word,” June in “The Word” (Episode 2.13)
8. “My name Is Moira. Not Ruby, asshole,” Moira (Samira Wiley) to Fred in “Smart Power” (Episode 2.09).
9. “This used to be an ice cream place. They had the most amazing salted caramel. It was better than sex. Like good sex.” Ofglen (Alexis Bledel) in “Offred” (Episode 1.01).
10. “Someone once said that men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.” Offred in “Women’s Work” (Episode 2.08)
11. “Now I’m awake to the world. I was asleep before. That’s how we let it happen. When they slaughtered Congress, we didn’t wake up. When they blamed terrorist and suspended the Constitution, we didn’t wake up then either. They said it would be temporary. Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub, you’d be boiled to death before you knew it.” Offred in “Late” (Episode 1.03)
12. “The world can be quite an ugly place. But we cannot wish that ugliness away. We cannot hide from that ugliness.” Aunt Lydia (Ann Dowd) in “Offred” (Episode 1.01).
13. “You can’t change anything about this. It’s going to end the same no matter what you do so there’s no point trying to be tough or brave. Brave isn’t any part of this. Everybody breaks.” Nick in “Late” (Episode 1.03).
14. “Never mistake a women’s meekness for weakness.” Mrs. Castillo (Zabryna Guevara) in “A Woman’s Place” (Episode 1.06).
15. “Better never means better for everyone. It always means worse for some.” Fred in “Faithful” (Episode 1.05).
16. “There was an Offred before me. She helped me find my way out. She’s dead. She’s alive. She is me.” Offred in “Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum” (Episode 1.04)
17. “Love isn’t real, it was never anything more than lust with a good marketing campaign.” Fred in “Faithful” (Episode 1.05)
18. “Soon you will be leaving us for new homes, a new family. And they won’t judge you for your looks, or your clothes or your ability to sound clever.” Aunt Lydia in “Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum” (Episode 1.04)
19. “Blessed be the fruit.” Offred
“May the force be with you.” Janine (Madeline Brewer) “Women’s Work” (2.08).
20. “Blessed be the Fruit Loops.” Erin (Erin Way) in “Baggage” (Episode 2.03)