The Killing: “Bulldog” (Episode 2.11)

The metaphorical key to unlocking the mystery may not have been the casino key that led to the top. It did, however, lead to finding another key that all but puts Linden and Holder within reach of the teenager’s killer.
“Bulldog” was promoted as depicting both Stan Larsen and Darren Richmond making important life decisions to help distract viewers from the main plotline. Unlike days of old, these weren’t red herrings, but they were actually important to the dénouement of the case.
Stan’s mob past has come back to haunt him one more time, but instead of deterring from what the writers have done so well, they continued to show the evolution of the Larsen family. All of the pieces are falling into place for them to begin the healing process. Though there was one final piece missing, you’ll be happy to know Mitch finally makes a subtle, but significant appearance. Even Alexi, Rosie’s confidant and half-brother, settles a score he’s been waiting to since he could walk and talk.
Throughout the entire episode I caught myself rooting for Richmond to stay in the campaign. I have a strong feeling I wasn’t alone in this on account of the fact that the once-villainized character has become sort of a golden boy once again. His decision is bittersweet thanks to the closing moments of the show when Linden and Holder finally start tying up loose ends.
As much as I loved last week’s very personal episode, it halted the main driving force of the show. This week it was a little slow to pick back up and almost doesn’t exist until halfway through the episode. Linden’s ability to swipe the keycard from the scene of the crime was genius, but I have to say her decision to taunt security cameras that she has it only made things more difficult for her and was a boneheaded move.
With all that aside, the end of the episode cuts between shots of her using the keycard to get into city hall and ones of Richmond and Larsen’s plots being tidied up. With each door she gets through, it is almost certain that she’ll enter Mayor Adams’ offices. It really had to be him. I think we were all sure of it.
Until the keycard didn’t work. Instead it leads to a room filled with “Richmond for Mayor” posters and points the finger back towards someone in his campaign. But who?
My guess, with the help from the scenes from next week, is that it most definitely has to be either of Richmond’s most trusted aides. Jamie has been a strong candidate among The Killing’s message boards simply because he’s never truly had any solo scenes. Gwen, on the other hand, was all but exonerated when it was revealed that she was with Richmond the night of the murder, the night he attempted suicide.
I have to take a step back and question another preview scene showed to us. Linden bursts into Mayor Adams’ office to tell him they have a common enemy. He’s been a lead suspect for weeks, but this does seem like one final twist before the two-night finale. Does that mean the last two episodes will cover only one day? It’s just another question to think about to distract you from the real question.
Who do you think killed Rosie Larsen?