The Office: “Ultimatum” (Episode 7.12)

Sometimes, the resolutions we don’t make are just as important as the ones we break. After all, what we see as an attainable goal doesn’t always align with what we’re actually capable of achieving. Case in point: this week’s Office.
When we last saw the Dunder Mifflin crew (over a month ago in real-time), they were reeling with the news that Holly was going to deliver an ultimatum to AJ: propose by the first of the year, or find a new girlfriend. This week, the action picks up right after New Year’s — “January 3, 2011. A day that will live in famously,” as Michael puts it — and even though his resolution was to floss, we quickly learn that Mr. Scott can probably check “Act more like an adult” and “Win over Holly” off of his list of goals as well.
When Holly first arrives at work without a ring, Michael’s elated, but a little snooping soon reveals that while she’s not engaged, she and AJ are still dating. At first, he reacts as we’d expect him to, by causing a scene. Rather than confronting Holly, who refuses to discuss the matter with him, Michael lashes out at others who haven’t stuck to their resolutions. Watching him force-feed Kevin a piece of broccoli is hilarious, but it’s also a sign that Michael’s still got a lot of growing to do.
Luckily, he picks up on this eventually, and he calls Kevin, Creed (whom he’d yelled at for failing to do a cartwheel) and Holly into his office to apologize. The words are directed at Kevin and Creed, but his eyes stay fixed on Holly, and when he says, “I just care about you so much,” it’s clear his mea culpa is actually directed at her. Moved by Michael’s mature apology, she calls AJ and suggests they take a break.
Meanwhile, Andy also surprised himself this week. Resigned to the fact that Erin won’t date him, he resolves to “learn to cook for one.” He, Darryl and Dwight head out on the prowl for loose women during their lunch breaks, and they each end up going off on their own pursuits. While Darryl does a little reading and Dwight heads over to the local strip club, Andy enjoys a little alone time at the roller rink. There was something oddly touching about seeing him rocking out to Dave Matthews (“not the hits, the deep stuff”) by himself. For the first time this season, he’s content to be on his own rather than chase Erin or cling to Darryl.
These personal breakthroughs could have made for a very cheesy episode, but this week’s Office managed to balance all the self-help stuff with a hearty dose of humor. The characters on the show may have underestimated themselves (hey, Creed even sort of did a cartwheel!), but it’s clear that as the chips start to fall in place for Steve Carell’s departure, the writers of The Office are resolving to give him the send-off he deserves.
Stray observations
-The Knights of the Night, on catching the Scranton strangler: “Mission accomplished. Not by us.”
-Michael declaring “Michael dance-off!” while watching a tape of himself listening to Kelly Clarkson was probably one of the greatest moments of the season so far.
-Just to clarify, in case you’re a Gummy novice: “Bears, sad. Worms, happy.”
-Darryl, on his new e-reader: “It’s so light, like a croissant.”
-Erin seems to be getting funnier with every new episode. “My goal was to learn a new word every day, and I must say, it’s going immensely.”
-Michael, on his flossing efforts: “12:01, January 1st. Bam! Blood everywhere.”
-Andy, on who he met at the rink: “His name is Andy, and he rollerskates like a Greek god.”