This Infographic Ranks The Walking Dead‘s Most Shocking Deaths
Image via AMC
The second half of season seven of The Walking Dead is imminently stalking closer, returning this Sunday night, Feb. 12, on AMC. So naturally, it’s time to rehash the past seasons of who we’ve lost from the show. It’s kind of the hip new thing for television shows to shockingly kill off beloved characters, and The Walking Dead is really one of the masters of that—not so much that they pull off the surprise masterfully, but more that the writers are constantly taunting viewers like demented puppet masters with a bad case of itchy trigger finger. And while there have been some truly shocking deaths, do you think you know which one was the most surprising?
Well, TVShow Time is here to tell you. A television app from Whipclip that allows you to set up reminders for your preferred TV schedule and finds new shows for you to watch, TVShow Time has amassed a bunch of data from the 1.6 million TV fans in their active community to determine the six most shocking deaths from The Walking Dead’s first seven and a half seasons, and it’s surprisingly not who you might think it is. (Also, spoilers. Because if you haven’t seen the first half of season seven, what are you still doing here?)
You thought it was Glenn or Abraham, didn’t you? Nope, you’re wrong—those guys came in third and fourth, respectively. Based off of TVShow Time’s data, Jessie Anderson’s death from season six was the most shocking. If you don’t remember, Jessie (played by Alexandra Breckenridge) was the mother of that really annoying kid, Sam, from Alexandria. As the community is being overrun by walkers, Rick tries to lead Jessie and her kids to safety through the midst of the horde. But in a glorious moment of wish fulfillment from probably every viewer, Sam freaks out and gets eaten, which then leads to Jessie getting eaten. It was an admittedly shocking moment to see her go, and one that we certainly wouldn’t have guessed ourselves.
You can check out the rest of the series’ most shocking deaths in the infographic below—click to enlarge and zoom—and feel free to check out the TVShow Time app for all your television fandom needs.