Caitlyn Jenner to Appear in Amazon’s Transparent

Caitlyn Jenner, star of E! reality show I Am Cait and prominent figure in Hollywood’s transgender community, has been cast in Amazon’s Emmy-winning series Transparent.

According to the show’s creator and executive producer Jill Soloway, Jenner will begin filming her scenes next week. Soloway announced the casting during an interview with the AP at the most recent GLAAD Media Awards. The showrunner wouldn’t reveal any details about Jenner’s role, but we do know she’ll appear in the show’s upcoming third season.

“We are all part of the same community,” Soloway shared with the AP during last Saturday’s event in Los Angeles. “A lot of the transwomen who work on our show are also in her show I Am Cait. Lots of crossover. Lots of friends.”

Transparent is a streaming dramedy about one dysfunctional family’s journey alongside their partner and parent Maura Pfefferman (Jeffrey Tambor), a retired college professor of political science who has recently come out as trans. After the powerful series’ astonishing second season, we’re looking forward to watching Jenner join in and start speaking Pfefferman.

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