True Blood “Whatever I Am, You Made Me” (Episode 5.03)

Our pasts often come back to haunt us. It’s one of the many cliches that often prove true, even for fictional characters—or, perhaps in the case of True Blood, especially for fictional characters.
It’s back to business this week with the vampire Authority rounding out what looks to end Bill and Eric’s imprisonment—for at least a little while. But before our dear anti-heroes are strapped up with chesty death devices and sent off, they’re given a good little pat on the rear from Authority member Salome. It seems that the biblical-based seductress has something planned for the two, and it doesn’t look good for anyone.
Meanwhile, after turning into a vampire (but unfortunately not a better character), Tara heads to Sam for help. She’s still a tad miffed at Sookie and Lafayette and continues to do what Tara does best: be angry and annoying. But Sookie and Lafayette are better off without dealing with their grumpy friend. Sookie’s Debbie-deed is finally catching up to her as Alcide learns the truth, and Debbie’s parents continue to search for their missing daughter. Lafayatte, on the other hand, is still at the mercy of last season’s juju magic. And if the brief appearance of the scary troll-face Jesus used to wear so proudly tells us anything, it’s that our fabulous cook has a few issues to work through.
Pam continues to remember her time as a human and her initial Eric encounters. While they embark on a romantic relationship, Eric helps her rid the whorehouse of hungry vampires—in this case, Bill and Lorena. The scene that follows these two is great, as we’re treated to a young, cocky Bill who doesn’t understand vampire rules. Moreover, he’s very much loyal to Lorena, who still exhibits the same crazy behavior she’s so well known for. As Pam recalls Eric’s words on becoming a maker, it’s clear that she’s starting to reconsider her indifference to Tara. Could a loving relationship for the two be just out of reach? Will Tara finally stop being to outwardly angry and adopt Pam’s cool attitude and brilliant one-liners? Oh, we can dream.
Although the episode continues with a few necessary plot bites here and there—Terry leaving on a secret trip, Jessica getting a whiff of someone absolutely delicious, and Steve Newlin positioning himself to replace Nan Flanagan—one of the more interesting reveals takes us to Jason. The return of an old teacher reveals a forbidden sexual relationship between the two when Jason was young. And though Jason first recalls it with fondness, he quickly realizes how wrong it was, and how much that loss of innocence has affected him all these years.
But the tricky thing about innocence is that once you lose it, you can never get it back. And what steps in in its place tends to be of the malicious sort.
“I was an innocent child, ‘til you taught me your style,” coos Nina Simone as “Whatever I Am, You Made Me” draws to a close, and it’s a statement that has never been truer for the show. The revealing of Jason and Salome’s pasts speak most clearly to loss, but they’re not alone. In the eyes of Alcide, Sookie has lost her innocence; Hoyt dons a little guyliner and goes searching for trouble at Fangtasia, abandoning the character we’ve come to know; even Pam, normally so cold and stoic, is showing a softer side in her memories of Eric. At its core, “Whatever I Am, You Made Me” is an episode meant for development. But even in its deepest moments, the revelations it provides are neither novel nor shocking. They’re just about on par for the course, and True Blood can do better.
Fun Fact: Final Destination 3 had it right; tanning beds can be your worst enemy.
Quote of the Night:
“Can I give you a hug without you thinking about my boobs?”
“Probably not.”
“Oh, what the hell. Go ahead. ”