Exclusive: Underground First-Look Clip Reveals More About Season Two
Photo via WGN America
The highly anticipated second season of Underground returns next week on March 8 at 10 p.m. EST. In a new exclusive first look, we get to glimpse what’s in store for the characters and the challenges they will face—watch the behind-the-scenes clip above.
Executive producer John Legend describes Underground as “a quintessential historical American story. Enslaved people who are escaping, those who are helping them, were all facing so much danger, and were exhibiting so much courage.” In the forthcoming season, the characters must ask themselves how to proceed with their lives. “The biggest question for all of our characters is what do we do now that we’re free, in an America that is not free,” said executive producer Misha Green. Rosalee, played by Jurnee Smollett-Bell (Friday Night Lights), is taken under the wing of the great Harriet Tubman, played by Aisha Hinds (Under the Dome). In her journey, she must face questions on how to change the world.
Watch the extended trailer for the second season of Underground here, and don’t miss Paste’s “9 Reasons the Harriet Tubman in Me Needs More TV Critics Watching Underground.”