UnReal Casts Black Suitor for Season 2

Lifetime’s hit show UnReal has cast its second suitor to be featured in the narrative’s dating show.

UnReal, which premiered on the network this summer, takes a critical look at the culture of dating shows and focuses on the producers behind Everlasting, a pitch-perfect Bachelor parody. Unlike its real-life inspiration, however, Everlasting now has its first black suitor.

B.J. Britt of Agents of SHIELD and Being Mary Jane has been cast to play Darius Hill, a professional quarterback “with a million-dollar smile, sweetness and swagger,” according to Variety.

With the casting, the show has accomplished the task of good fiction: propelled us into a more progressive world than the one we actually occupy.

In case you were wondering, the most recent suitor on The Bachelor, currently airing on ABC, is still white.

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