Victoria Review: A Match Made in Conference
(Episode 1.03)
Who is the sexiest future prince? Albert. Of course, that isn’t readily apparent.
Prince Albert is the one matched to be with Queen Victoria, but it seems like Ernst has all the personality. He’s charismatic and charming, but Albert is the palace choice. What can she do?
Before Victoria and Albert can rule the world together, they have to play the piano together.
It’s an age-old mating ritual.
They play well, even though he makes a rude comment about her hands and tells her she should practice an hour a day to get better.
Instead of ignoring that, she sits down and plays.
While this romance is blossoming, Lord Melbourne is protective of her, and you can kind of see in his eyes that he is feeling regret about his choice. Even if what he did was right for the country, I think he wonders if it was right for his heart.
Albert is very intense about their relationship, and when he sees that Victoria still has eyes for Lord Melbourne, he intervenes on the dance floor. As he takes her to dance he notices the flowers in her hair, which of course were a gift from Lord Melbourne.
He takes out a knife, cuts his shirt and puts the flower inside his shirt next to his heart.
I’m a puddle. Really, that is romance.
That’s not the only time he sacrifices his clothes for Victoria. When the two take off in the woods together for a walk with dash, her beloved dog gets a cut and Albert jumps to action, whipping out his knife again and slicing a piece of his shirt for a bandage.
The servants are dealing with all the changes coming to the household as well. The addition of German servants is complicated when it turns out that the English can understand German.
And we find out the hairdresser’s secret: She has a baby. She’s given her lace collar to help provide for them outside of the castle, and Victoria gives her a new one to replace it.
Victoria is in a good mood because she has found her Prince Charming in Albert. Unfortunately, he won’t get down on one knee to propose—she has to do that. But she wears the flowers he loves and he accepts her.
Maybe women should start asking the men!
Keri is a professional chatterbox who loves watching TV & movies, reading about pop culture, and gawking at any craziness on the internet. You can follow Keri on Twitter.