Bringing Beauty And Light Into the Art World: Talking with Photographer/Artist Raphael Mazzucco
Senses by Raphael Mazzucco, all photographs courtesy of artist
Not only has Raphael Mazzucco shot exemplary fashion photographs, including covers for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issues, he is also currently bringing back two elements that are often forgot in the art world, beauty and fun! We had the chance to talk to Raphael about his work before his show at HG Gallery, which opens on September 7th and will run through mid-October. Raphael’s work has a singular style that consistently incorpates the human form in the epic background of nature while often adding a pop color element. Paste had a lovely conversation with the influtenial photographer and artist about his process, the inspiration of nature and more. Mazzucco began his career in Vancouver through photography, with his first subject actually being Sarah McLachlan, who asked him to photograph her. From there, he followed the natural progression to photograph more musicians. Even while living in Europe for ten years, photographing models he was able to keep the work connected to nature and spoke about being able to learn from his early mistakes.
Raphael Mazzucco, who also goes by the nickname Raph, is skilled at working with subjects from all walks of life from models, musicians to friends. He notes that all subjects are very unique and that he enjoys the fun spirit of collaboration between himself and the subject. Moments on a shoot are never forced. Raph gave us an example of how he shooting style varies with each subject. He was once working with Benecio Del Toro who asked him how is hair looked. Unsatisfied by Raph’s response that his hair looked great, Benecio proceeded to shake his head in order to ungroom himself. Benecio asked once more how his hair looked and Raph responded that it looked completely messed up. Now satisfied, Benecio told Raph to begin the shoot.
One Montauk by Raphael Mazzucco
Having always loved painting, it was natural for Raph to incorporate a similar process into his photography. When Raph found himself consistently on the road, he would decompress with doing some collage work so it was an organic process to move into creating his multi-media works. As a self-proclaimed Nature Boy, Raphael is consistently inspired by landscape and encapsulating that energy it gives him in his work. Surroundings are quite important to him as nature is the essential part of the work. Naming his new exhibition Été Sans Fin, which means never-ending summer in French, references where he now calls home, Montauk. In Montauk, summers seem never ending, especially to Ralph. Even after the busy three month season in the town, his studio remains just as bustling for the rest of the year, consistently busy as if summer never left.
Beauty by Raphael Mazzucco
Always open to exploration, Raphael has been incorporating resin into his pieces as it can build texture and layers, adding to a work’s story. Visually these layers create a story within a story with the resin painting over the photograph and turns the entire work into a journey for the viewer to enjoy. His work aims to let viewers enjoy color, beauty and harmony. Giving the feeling of harmony and natural wonders to those who view his work is important to him. As for advice to those pursuing the arts, Raph explains that it is important to be passionate about what you do and really enjoy it. As Raph told us, “love what you do and find a reason to believe in why you do it.”